NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 18 – Life Skills
Page No 128:
Question D.2:
Copy the worksheet in your notebooks and work in pairs to complete the worksheet to know all about yourself. This will enable you to discover your hidden strengths, work on your weakness, and develop your personality.
The question needs to be answered by the student on her/his own.
Page No 129:
Question D.3:
Several youngsters have problems in dealing with their parents. With your partner, discuss the difference in views and complete the table below. Sometimes there may be no contradiction between the two views.
As we see ourselves
As our parents see us
How tidy we are
| ||
The types of clothes we wear
| ||
How courteous we are
| ||
How much we study
| ||
How independently are we allowed to express our opinions
A sample answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.
As we see ourselves
As our parents see us
How tidy we are
Quiet tidy, as we perceive ourselves
We are just not up to the mark! We need to take hygiene classes! And we do not maintain our room with neatness and tidiness.
The types of clothes we wear
Fashionable, latest in trend, what makes us look catchy and flashy
We make ourselves appear fools by following every latest fad. We do not have the true sense of style, which is sober and elegant.
How courteous we are
Oh very much! We know how to behave ourselves and we respect all the much we should. To say precisely, we are courteous enough.
We do not know how to act and behave in front of our elders. We are argumentative and aggressive. We should learn what is mannerism and etiquette.
How much we study
Oh well, ya may be not too much according to what elders say. But we do try the much we can, as per our ability.
We do try but not up to the mark. We need to work more hard and only then we will know what hard work is. Study more and play less to make something out of ourselves.
How independently are we allowed to express our opinions
We are not at all allowed to act independently; elders, especially parents, always tell us what to do and what not to do, as if we are kids. We do possess some radical notions, but then we are young blood!
We do not ask for it, we just take it, and for granted, of course! We do not know what to say when and where. We are blunt and out spoken.
Page No 130:
Question D.4:
In pairs, choose one topic from the table in D.3. Imagine that you and your parents are expressing your views on the topic. Use your notes from the table and write the dialogue that would take place. Make it funny! Share your dialogue with the rest of the class.
A sample answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.
How independently are we allowed to express our opinions?
As we see ourselves
As our parents see us
Yes, we are young and we speak. However, it is considered aggressive and blunt.
We are inexperienced and act immature and are outspoken.
We perceive and learn from the world around us. The knowledge we reflect is what we incorporate form our surroundings.
We are naive and do not bother about our surroundings and learn little from what goes on around us.
The society has changed and we act accordingly. We possess insistent radical notions that are apt for the today’s environment.
Our experience will always be little as compared to our parents and other elders. So, there is no point in arguing for they have lived 25−30 years more than us.
We are the latest and the best natural resource. We have the energy but we do not waste it diligently. We are smart.
We are lazy and do not work hard enough. We look for short cut, which can never be a key to success.
We do not hang on to emotions and relations. Who has time to do so? Life is fast and the world is competent. After all, the fittest one survives.
We have little respect for the emotions and relations. We are in too much hurry to conquer the world with the little knowledge and experience we possess.
Question D.5:
Ravi has a problem, so he asks his friends for advice. Read the conversation below and underline the expressions that are used for giving advice. (This could be done as role-play)
Ravi : My neighbours play very loud music, which disturbs me when I’m studying.
Mohan: Why don’t you try persuading them to turn down the volume?
Shiela: If that doesn’t work you could think of changing your study time.
Rahim: Why should Ravi have to do that? He really ought to report such antisocial behaviour to the police.
Shiela: Before taking drastic action like that, I would advise you to sort it out amicably with your neighbours.
Rahim: If I were you, I would play my music even louder!
Mohan: That won’t solve his problem. Ravi, I think you should ask your father to take it up with your neighours.
Below are listed the expressions that are used for giving advice.
1. Why don’t you try…?
2. …you could think of….
3. …I would advise you to….
4. …I think you should….
Page No 131:
Question D.6:
In groups of four, use the language used in D.5 to give advice in the following situations:

A sample answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.
My parents don’t give me any pocket money. This embarrasses me when I’m with my friends.
Kid 1: Why do not you persuade them to fix an amount as your pocket money?
Kid 2: You can try staying at home more or move out more with your parents rather.
Kid 1: I would advise you to be with those friends that accept you the way you are. Moreover, you are not that grown up now that you will spend so much money hanging out with such frivolous kids.
Kid 2: I think you should discuss it with your parents and let them decide.
I stole some money from my mother’s purse. I feel very guilty, and I don’t know what to do.
Kid 1: Why do not you confess it to you mother? She will definitely understand and will forgive you.
Kid 2: You can try giving a sorry card to your mother and promise to her to never to repeat it.
Kid 1: I would advise you to never ever repeat what you did and for now you must talk to your parents about it and make a clean breast of it.
Kid 2: I think you should tell your father. Maybe he will make your mother understand and also fix an amount as your pocket money.
I lied to my friend. This has spoilt our friendship. I would like to make amends, but I don’t know how.
Kid 1: Why do not you try to speak to him/her and apologise for what happened?
Kid 2: You can try explaining her/him for why you lied, maybe he/she will forgive you.
Kid 1: I would advise you to never back stab a friend and take a lesson from this.
Kid 2: I think you should make an honest confession to her/him and win her/him back her/his trust by doing something special.
Question D.7:
You are on the editorial board for the column ‘Your Problems’ in The Teenager magazine. You have received these two letters asking for your advice. (They appear to have come from the same family.)
Dear Helpful Avanti
My fifteen year old son is crazy about film music. He seems to be wasting all his pocket money on these meaningless CDs. He cannot even study without this noise. Though he is good at studies, I remain disturbed about this new obsession. There are all kinds of strange-looking posters on the walls of his study and he always wears those gaudy T-shirts and faded patched jeans. Also, he is very fond of Junk-food. I fear he is breaking all links with our culture.
What shall I do?
A bewildered father
junk-food = eatables like burgers, chaat papri, etc!
Dear Helpful Avanti
I love film music and I have bought a lot of CDs from my pocket-money allowance. But whenever I switch on my CD-player, my father frowns and orders me to switch off the ‘jarring noise’. He calls it ‘cheap’ and ‘uncivilised’ stuff. It is not that I do not like classical music, but when I am with my friends, we listen to film music.
I like Indian clothes and food too. But I also like to wear western clothes sometimes and to eat western food occasionally. I do not like to disobey my parents, but I do not want to give up my music etc.
What shall I do?
A Hurt Son
In pairs, decide what advice to give to each of them. Then write one letter each, so that both father and son get a reply from The Teenager. Remember to use some of the language in D5.
A sample answer has been provided for students’ reference.
It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.
Reply to the father
Dear Sir,
I understand your concern for your son. Why do not you try to discuss it with him and see what he’s got to say? As you told me, he is young and studies hard; I suppose, he is just trying to take his mind off from the heaviness by following these fads. These are the latest trends that kids follow these days. I do not see any harm unless he crosses the limit. I think you should let your son know that you do trust him and want him to live his life the way he wishes. All you need to do is make him understand that he must remember his roots, his culture as well, where he comes from. I think you have a very sensible son and I am sure that he respects his culture and tradition as well.
Sir, it is you and you alone who can make him feel responsible. Once you bestow your faith in him, he will realise and never breach it; only that he will respect and love you more for trusting him. I am not promising you that your son will retire from these trends entirely; however, he will never cross his limits and will always stay grounded to his tradition.
Reply to the son
It is nice that you are keeping up to date with all the latest trends and fads. However, your father seems really worried about you. Why do not you try to see what actually is worrying him so much? I suppose your father is apprehensive about you going so much western. I understand that after all the pressure of studies, you need some time to take your mind off. However, I would advise you to respect your father’s sentiments as well. You could think of ways of spending some time with your father and other family members as well. You must reassure your father that you have not forgotten your roots and are grounded to your culture and tradition. I think you need to win your father’s confidence and trust. Once your father is certain that you are not abandoning your culture entirely, he will never stop you. However, you need to keep his trust and faith that he bequeaths on you.